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EARTH REGENERATIVE PROJECT (EaRP) is a REG.NO: NNGO/905/2020-2021 non-profit organization run by a management team whose central aim is to raise awareness and consciousness on the impact of climate change on global action, biodiversity conservation, ecosystem preservation, regenerative agriculture, disaster preparedness, and prevention in taken urgent global actions. This is achieved with the help of country Ambassadors who together with the CEO have mobilized passionate global citizenry from a network of 20 nations.


It was established in 2018 by the group's Founder – AMB. ALIMAMY SESAY  and with the help of our passionate members of over 50 members, we have been making extraordinary climate action impact, enough to be recognized by the Sierra Leone Ministry of Environment in 2020 and Sierra Leone Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry (MAF), and other Global  & Local group project being coordinated by EARTH REGENERATIVE PROJECT.


EARTH REGENERATIVE PROJECT focuses on raising awareness, Forest Restoration, empowering people, regenerative agriculture to feed the growing population (SDG-2), integrating solutions for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem preservation, disaster preparedness, and prevention at the country level, creating enlightenment, and embarking on actions. The quests often include Forest Restoration, Climate-smart agriculture (SDG 2) and raising awareness on climate change & environmental protection which our members either give or they attend themselves in the following countries, Togo, Sierra Leone, India, and Botswana. We have hosted a few online international conferences; of note is the 28th September 2021 on the theme: Protest against Timbering trees & Deforestation to reduce global warming by 1.5 degrees Centigrade.

We support campaigns, clean-up exercises, and Our engagement will continue until 2030 and a future that supports green ventures.

In 2020, we organized an international online conference on the role of bio-diversity & soil conservation to mitigate climate change through our climate actions and it was hosted with the support of H.E REV.DR. SOLOMON RAJ and it doubles as our road map on building sustainable regenerative projects across the world.

There really can’t be a perfect time to act than now, when the impact of climate change is obvious, therefore realigning for a better sustainable future should be everyone's priority, it is certainly ours here.

In conclusion, we hold strongly to the view that we should leave a lasting legacy for future generations.

Thank you for surfing through our mandate, as we continue the quest for achieving a sustainable ecological future. Do join us in our ambitious quest to MAKE EARTH GREEN AGAIN.


We create campaigns, projects, and programs, in order to promote youth and women empowerment, climate change mitigation and adaption, regenerative agriculture to feed the growing population, and the successful implementation of SDGs by 2030 for a better lasting legacy for future generations and a better world.



Our vision is to create a greener environment in the deforest prone communities across the world, restoring loss of vegetation across the world,  creating afforestation for biodiversity and for research purposes, and to feed the growing population (SDG-2) to achieve sustainable development using Our ALL-INCLUSIVE concept, We work with individuals and organizations, we ensure that no one left behind by accommodating their passion, talents, skills and directing these qualities towards addressing the climate crisis and food security.


We promote awareness about the climate crisis, Environmental protection, Conversation of forestry, Afforestation of different improved varieties of Economic trees globally (SGD-13) Climate Action and to Integrate solutions for biodiversity conservation, ecosystem preservation, disaster preparedness, and prevention at the Country level. Arable farming and regenerative agriculture to feed growing population (SDG-2) Zero Hunger

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