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When:  1ST October 2019 - 30th October 2021

Where:  Tonkolili District, Northern Province of Sierra Leone

The Consequences of climate change on the social systems in Sierra Leone are expected to vary in different regions of Sierra Leone on account of several regional and other local factors. Further, there are many uncertainties in disaggregating the effects of global warming due to still inadequate scientific understanding of the process involved in the climate change. Climate change is faced with a major challenge in achieving sustainable food security in Sierra Leone of increasing population and changing diets, as its successful mitigation measures and adaption entails changes in behaviors, technology institution, industrialization, business practices and food- production systems. Climate Change is affecting the ecosystems and threatens the economic system, livelihoods, and availability of natural resources in Sierra Leone.

Climate change mitigation through forest conservation and plantation efforts resent one of the most disputed ideas in climate governance. Forest ecosystem can serve as carbon sinks. As unusual pattern of wet and dry season becoming a common phenomenon in some part of the country. Its irregular occurrence affects agriculture, water catchment, health economy and social welfare especially for household whose livelihood entirely depend in agriculture and, agriculture is adversely affected and thus climate change is the leading factor to poverty.

Since bush fire is an annual event in most community in Sierra Leone, as a result, most forest trees has faced out, many rivers and streams dry out too early. This has led to global warming and loss of viable farmland, loss of habitat and has also led to so much food insecurity. Savanna grass land has taken over most tropical rain forest and typical farmland. Annual bush fire has it appears every year causes a lot of damage to permanent crops and many other infrastructures including household properties and sometimes human lives. Against this backdrop that we have planted 10, 000 economic trees in 170 acres of Land in restoring these dilapidated areas in help solving some of deforestation problems in Tonkolili District Northern Province of Sierra Leone.

JUSTFICFACTION: - The low yield of farmers’ product and land under production as clearly manifested that we have lost most of our bio species. Planting economic trees with good management will bring most abandoned farmlands and most of our devastated reserve forests.

APPROACH: - We have conducted a survey at the village level to identify areas that are totally devastated by bush fire and profuse tree cutting. Several hectares are meant to be reforested and highly affected areas will be planted with matured economic tree seedlings. These seedlings will be managed until they become adaptable to the environment and find themselves.

AIM: - The project aim is to create a greener environment in the deforested prone communities’ areas in Tonkolili District Northern Province of Sierra Leone

OBJECTIVES: - The objective of the project is to improve our rainforest that has been devastated by cutting down of trees and bush burning. 

  • Plant economic trees adaptable to environmental stress

  • Employ community people to participate in reforestation of their community which will help realize their loss glory

  • To create an enabling environment that will help our endangered species in the habitat of these affected ecologies.

  • To bring life to normality of all who inhabit in the affected communities.

  • To maintain the forest in the region and to increase the number of forests in the country


  • To increase the long- term sustainability of current and future rehabilitation efforts on formerly forested lands with minimal negative impacts on different community in the country.

  • To promote Natural resource Management through building the capacity of the local communities to take sustainable action

  • Promoting sustainable biodiversity conservation programs

  • Restoration of Endangered Species

  • To mitigate climate change through economic tree planting and offering innovative solutions to pressing environmental issues.

  • Provide food for the growing population

  • To restore degraded land and improve soil fertility for Framers

  • Promote climate smart agriculture practices to smallholder farmers.

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PARTNERS: Ministry of Environment (MoEnv) and Environment Protection Agency Sierra Leone (EPA-SL)

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